Wellbeing Services

There are times in all our lives when we encounter personal problems or life crises. It may be work or study stress, relationship concerns, financial problems, bereavement, drug or alcohol use or just about anything. When you have a problem, your work and home life will be affected.
The Hurricanes Alumni Foundation Trust wants to ensure that you have the opportunity to resolve issues as quickly as possible through access to Vitae services. These services are offered free of charge to all Hurricanes Alumni beneficiaries (see below).
About Vitae
Vitae is a professional employee assistance provider that offers access to a nationwide team of independent counsellors, psychologists and trauma responders. Vitae provides:
- Access to NZAC & NZ Psychological Ass. accredited counsellors & psychologists with a minimum 5yrs clinical practice
- Up to 5 counselling sessions per annum
- Counselling face to face, by telephone or video (zoom)
- 24/7 contact centre and duty counsellor for emergencies
- Self / Informal / Formal Referral processes
Counselling Service - Tari Whakapakari Ngākau
Through this service you will be able to address issues such as:
- Personal or work stress
- Relationship problems
- Conflict situations
- Anxiety / depression
- Grief / loss
- Violence
- Harassment
- Personal trauma
- Addictions
- Couples counselling service (this is a new service added June 2022)
All Vitae services are confidential. Anything you discuss remains confidential; no one else receives any details about your discussions without your permission unless you are at risk to yourself or others.
All Hurricanes players can self-refer, as Vitae has a current Hurricanes player database sheet. i.e. your counselling will be totally confidential and your name & information will remain confidential between you and Vitae and will not be passed onto the Hurricanes Alumni or Hurricanes.
All Hurricanes Alumni management and staff and partners and children of management and staff must get prior approval of the Hurricanes Alumni to access the Vitae services.
What will it cost me?
Not a cent. The Hurricanes Alumni Foundation Trust provides these services at no cost to you.
Cancellation policy
If you are unable to keep an appointment you must give at least 24 hours’ notice of cancellation. If you do not provide adequate notice your counselling entitlement will be reduced.
For more about Vitae
Vitae is a national provider of a range of workplace wellness services. Its focus is on enabling speedy access to psychological services that help to resolve issues and maintain a safe, healthy and productive environment. Vitae has more than 50 years’ experience in providing innovative programme's for people in New Zealand, enhancing the well-being of organisation's and individuals. Visit the website: www.vitae.co.nz or call us on 0508 664 981
(not to be included in webpage but here are the links for):
Counselling Online Referral Form click here to complete the online referral form
If your request is urgent call 0508 664 981
Vitae Counsellor Profiles click here